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We are service cooling towers of different types and brands, liang chi, liang hoo, King Sun, kuken, baltimor and others. We also provide service cleaning cooling tower and cooling tower replacement filler. We are also supply spare parts such as cooling tower fillers,sprinkler heads, sprinkler pipes, fans, motor fans and others.
When you want to buy some cooling tower springkler. We can help you find cheap cooling tower springkler, Alloy springkler head, plastik springkler & pvc springkler head.
Please contact us if there is a problem on your cooling tower Ph: 08 12 30 08 81 30
"Cooling Tower Service Indonesia"
Sarana Aircon Engineering (SAE)
Jl Ketegan Barat III/ Taman Sidoarjo
Jawa Timur 61257
Call / Wa : 08 12 30 08 81 30